Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Arctic Diego

San Diego people crack me up. This morning, the temperature would be best described as brisk. I was in a T-shirt and jeans, but I could see how a light sweater might be nice. A long sleeved shirt would also do, if one could trust the temperature to not change dramatically during the day (or even from one side of campus to the other), as it is wont to do. On the shuttle in to work, though, there she was. Scarf wrapped tightly around her neck and tucked into her fleece jacket, jeans, and, of course, flip flops. It was hilarious. I also saw some kids wearing gloves earlier this week.


Mrs. Chili said...

Oh, GOD! She wouldn't last three months in New England! STUPID cold, is what I'm sayin' here. As in so cold that the morning newscast includes a warning to parents to NOT let their kids stand out waiting for the bus because they can get frostbite before the bus arrives kind of cold. Mind you, it's not like that NOW, but just you wait.....

Lara said...

i get mocked for that kind of stuff all the time up here in northern california. the socal girl in me just can't learn that flip-flops are NOT always appropriate anymore. it's a tough habit to break, i'm telling you... :-P